I feel sorry for the people running down the sidewalk of my neighborhood looking miserable. A well structured resistance training program would help them lose more weight, improve their functional strength, reduce their time investment and in most cases be a whole lot more fun. Oh…and make them much less likely to get injured.
I want to puke when I see personal trainers having overweight and out-of-shape people doing tricep press downs, dumbbell curls, leg extensions and other stupid isolated movements. This incompetency should be grounds for Federal incarceration.
Your primary movements should be some form of overhead / horizontal press, lunge, squat, deadlift, step-up and pull-up. Doesn’t matter what tool you use…bodyweight, Olympic bar, kettlebell, sandbag, dumbbell, TRX Suspension System or cinder block. After you do these movements justice and want to add some other cute movements, go for it.
Let’s face it, you have to work hard to get results. Intensity separates progress from stagnation. It’s better to push hard through a marginal program v. loaf through a well designed program.
If fitness or athletic performance is truly a priority, don’t let minor obstacles (traveling, poor sleep, work / school stress, runny nose, sore throat, etc.) get in the way of you sticking to your plan.
If you are an athlete or someone wanting to improve your athletic performance focus on the "non-mirror" muscles. These are the muscles visible when running away from someone.
If you are an athlete or someone wanting to improve your athletic performance focus on the "non-mirror" muscles. These are the muscles visible when running away from someone.
If you really want to make dramatic strides in your bodyweight management plan you have to control your eating. Plan your meals and rarely deviate. Eat 5 – 6 small meals each day, write down what you eat and invest in Tupperware. Eating clean requires planning. You can’t wing this.
Being competitive is a good thing. Being stupid is a bad thing. Stupid lifters are usually trying to lift more than they are capable of using with correct form and a full range of movement. Examples are the ¼ squat dudes claiming they squat 450, but can’t do 275 parallel; or the 315 bouncing, hip thrusting bencher who can’t do 225 strict. Do yourself a favor. Lift the weight under control using the full range of motion and tell your stupid lifting mates to do the same.
Do not jump on the latest fitness trend or gadget. Pick a program you like and stick to it for at least 90 days. Reading Men’s Health or Muscle & Fitness can be a real detriment to sustained progress.
If you are serious about getting stronger and considering joing a gym, ask if they allow chalk. If the answer in NO, search for another gym. This gym will be full of people sitting on machines watching ESPN between sets, doing endless variations of bicep curls and standing on Bosu balls.
If you are serious about getting stronger and considering joing a gym, ask if they allow chalk. If the answer in NO, search for another gym. This gym will be full of people sitting on machines watching ESPN between sets, doing endless variations of bicep curls and standing on Bosu balls.